Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sleep walking through life...

Everyday I travel the Veterans Expressway for my daily commute to and from work and I am dumbfounded by how many people are simply on cruise control like they have nowhere to go. Many are on their phones unable to find the gas pedal and then there are those whom are completely oblivious to the world around them. My approach to life is to operate in the realm of what's in my control, but driving brings out the worst in me. I wish I had a large spatula that I could slide under their cars and flip them out of the way like a runny egg.

- Fatboy Out!!!


  1. You call that a new blog? You have been using that idea since high school. Not that I disagree. I have know your sorry behind for 20 years now. The is very little I would entrust you with in life.. but traffic... you are the Traffic Czar, (or however you spell it).

  2. I am not on the road to hang out. The objective of everyone on the road should be to get to their destination efficiently and of course safely. I cant stand dictators in the passing lane that insist on going the same speed as another vehicle in the right lane and refuse to move over and get behind someone else and yield to faster moving vehicles. I would love to have the spatula gimmick for that scenario no doubt. A lot of it boils down to fear, some people are scared to death to be on the road and panic and cause everyone else on the road to suffer. boooooooooooooooo

  3. Dude, seriously, why is it that when it rains people driving go from 0 to Retard in an instant? OH GAWD, water dropplets on the road, I better keep my foot on the brake pedal and make unnecessary brake slams.....
