Friday, July 31, 2009

New US Government theme song, "Drop it like it's Hot!"

Oh yeah!!! The House has approved 2 billion extra dollars for the "Cash for Clunkers" program. Keep printing that money baby!!! My name is "Hyper Inflation" here I come... Unbelievelable!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

In the memory of Jeff Yale... Friend, Father, Husband, Pastor, Brother in Christ...

I once knew a man who could light up a room with his smile
Teaching and preaching to those who would listen all the while

This man had a gift that no one could dismiss...

He poured out God's love giving the best bear hugs.

I read all the stories of the lives he touched
In his time on Earth he did so much!

Through many laughs and many tears
He brought hundreds if not thousands to know Jesus Christ in those years.

Now at home with the Father his legacy lives on... If we could grab 1 ounce of Jeff's passion this world would never be the same. I love you bro and will miss you dearly!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day

July 4, 1776 was the birth of the United States of America and some 200 plus years later we continue to celebrate our freedom! On this day I think of all the men and women whom over the years have shed their blood to give us this wonderful gift. Let's be sure to never forget those who went before us to give the freedom of speech, religion, the right to bare arms, etc. So when you decide to protest a war by burning a flag or chantngs in the streets, remember, it was the AMERICAN SOLDIER who gave you that right!

Monday, June 29, 2009

As a fellow pitchman...

What a week! First Farrah, then MJ and now BILLY MAYS!!! Are you serious? Bill Mays was that guy that could pitch a literal TURD and you would compelled to pick up the phone to buy it. Just the other day I was watching his new show "Pitchmen" where he takes peoples' great ideas and shows them how to bring it to market to SELL, SELL, SELL. I guess the show will be no more. He was only 50 years old....

R.I.P Billy

Friday, June 26, 2009

Transformers 2 the fastest 150 minute movie you'll ever see

From the opening scene until the ending blast Transformers 2 is an ACTION PACKED roller coaster ride!!! Unlike the first movie and to my surprise they have elavated the use of profanity which actually makes for some very comedic scenes but not in a cheesy sense. Megan Fox is looking HOTTER than ever and there are several other gems of eye candy stroon throughout this film. Going into this movie I had heard there were mixed reviews which concerned me; however, I've always be one to draw my own conclusions versus listening to some jaded old fart whom I have nothing in common. Bottom line, if you love ACTION, BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, AND ALIEN ROBOTS... You will LOVE Transformers 2.

- Fatboy Out!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


In the late morning we learned that Farah Fawcet had lost her long battle with cancer which we all knew was coming, but who would thought on this same morbid day that the "King of Pop" would also take a knee. In the end fame, wealth, popularity don't go with you....

Stuff like this makes me hug my kids a little longer and simply be thankful for air in my lungs.

R.I.P Farah & Michael...

A Magical Beverage

So lately I've been hearing about this miracle fruit called the Acai berry... Today I was strolling the aisles of my local Publix and there it was all the way from South America a delicious bottle of Acai berry juice. I curiously opened the bottle and took a swig and my taste buds exploded with magnificent flavors. As I began to place this beverage goodness back into the fridge it hit me... a bottle of Three Olives Grape Vodak was starring me in the face. It was at this moment when I realized "You know what could be better than Acai berry juice.... Acai berry juice with delicious vodka." Excitely, I began to mix two of God's best creations. Unknowingly my masterpiece was about to come to life. Ever so carefully I placed the glass to my lips... As the liquids poured down my throat I felt a shiver of bliss run up my spine.

For those whom I've got interested it breaks down like this:

  • Approx. 4 oz of Acai berry juice
  • Approx. 2 oz of Three Olives Grape Vodka

Remember, NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE!!! Enjoy Responsibly and Try to Share...

Doesn't Mother Nature know we are in a recession!

This morning I woke up to let my wife's designer mutt out to do his business in the backyard as I looked up I noticed there was an old rotted pine tree that had taken out a section of my wood fence. The positive side of this is, 'Hey at least it didn't land on your house." Conversly, "How much is this act of God going to cost me." I wonder if Barack's got some bailout money for me?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sleep walking through life...

Everyday I travel the Veterans Expressway for my daily commute to and from work and I am dumbfounded by how many people are simply on cruise control like they have nowhere to go. Many are on their phones unable to find the gas pedal and then there are those whom are completely oblivious to the world around them. My approach to life is to operate in the realm of what's in my control, but driving brings out the worst in me. I wish I had a large spatula that I could slide under their cars and flip them out of the way like a runny egg.

- Fatboy Out!!!